More and more businesses are demanding online marketing strategy advice and education. Due to an overwhelming demand from clients and the business community in general, I am now holding workshops on a monthly basis so that businesses can educate themselves on strategies to increase traffic to their website and convert more leads into sales.
A recent customer survey we put out revealed that our clients would prefer to be educated on Google AdWords, SEO and online marketing strategy, so that they can learn how to make simple and cost-effective changes that will transform their business. Sixty-six percent of participants indicated they asked for more online business and marketing advice from their client manager, while 55 percent wanted further education on Google AdWords strategy.
There are plenty tips and tricks that business owners can learn and easily apply to help them make the most of their online presence. Business owners are mistaken in thinking that AdWords is a magic bullet. However, there are so many other factors they should be applying to ensure they get the most from their online marketing strategy. For example, a business may be receiving a number of clicks from a particular ad, but then what happens with that click? Do they navigate away from the page almost immediately? How long do they spend on your website and where do they go? Who is the person clicking on the ad anyway.
An effective internet marketing strategy is all encompassing, and should also include general business protocols and procedures. One of our clients received a phenomenal amount of clicks on his online ad, but not one translated into a sale. We soon discovered the reason – his staff never answered the phone!
In response to client requests for more education and information, we have launched a number of initiatives for clients and other Brisbane business owners, including monthly online marketing strategy sessions where business owners will walk away with thousands of dollars worth of value guaranteed.
Join us for the following upcoming events:
April 26 – Web Conversion – 6pm
Make your sales and leads sky rocket. Boost your revenue without spending any more money. Convert more visitors to your website to sales!
May 16 – SEO Tips and Tricks – 6pm
Discover how to optimise your website to drive more quality traffic to your website.
May 23 – Web Conversion – 6pm
Make your sales and leads sky rocket. Boost your revenue without spending any more money. Convert more visitors to your website to sales!
June 7 – Google Adwords – 6pm
How to make your Adwords work harder for your business, without spending any more on them.
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